Here is a presentation on ‘Social Media in HR’ sourced from SHRM. This presentation contains the contents discussed in a webinar on impact of social media in HR management held in Oct 2010.
Tag Archives: HR
Intangibles through Manpower Planning: Reviving workload studies
This article is authored by Janmenjaya Sharma, Manager Organization Development with Raysut Cement Company (RCC), Oman, Fellow of the Asian Human Resource Board (Aspi). He has over 12 years of work experience and is a gold medallist in MHRD and MPA. He may be contacted on
A survey of 30 HR Managers from the Cement Industry in India and UAE who involved themselves in the exercise of Man Power Planning (MPP) reveals that their concentration remains on accomplishing organization structuring and getting the vacant positions filled. Often this is done through the manpower acquisition forms to be filled in by the respective heads of departments which are then forwarded to the HR Department through the proper channels. The most neglected parts, revealed through this study, were to answer the basic question on how many employees we actually need in the department? Is the process being followed by the department the best and does it confirm the requirement of those numbers of employees?
Click here to find the answers: Intangibles through Manpower Planning_Janmenjaya Sharma
Restructuring Organization: Transition from functional to matrix organizational structure
This article is authored by Janmenjaya Sharma, Manager Organization Development with Raysut Cement Company (RCC), Oman, Fellow of the Asian Human Resource Board (Aspi). He has over 12 years of work experience and is a gold medallist in MHRD and MPA. He may be contacted on
With the turbulent changes in business environment and the entry of knowledge workers, the pace of changes in psychological contract has increased tremendously. Thus to maintain the job satisfaction and job productivity has brought new challenges for today’s Manager Human Resources. One of the areas most confronted by people dealing in Organization Change and Development is the suitability of organization structure in accordance with the contemporary demands of market competition and changed expectations of employees. This article attempts to help HR professionals in such issues of structural changes, specifically from traditional functional structure to more contemporary matrix structure with a special reference for manufacturing industries. The article suggests the advantages and disadvantages of the matrix structure and points at the hint which HR Managers can use wisely to take the decision for the change. Further the attempt is being made to provide the requirements to be taken care of while implementing the structural changes- procedural requirement, policy requirements, skill requirements and cultural requirements. The article gets concluded with defining broad steps for the change process, so as the desired success can be attainted through the proposed structural change.
The article can be downloaded here: Restructuring Organizations_Janmenjaya Sharma